FORCE – Forensic Culture in Europe, 1930-2000


Pauline Dirven, ‘A crisis of epistemic virtues in forensic medicine: Historicizing
emotional detachment in British forensic culture, 1920–2021’, EAHMH conference, Oslo 30 Aug-2 Sept. 2023

Willemijn Ruberg, ‘Het recht op lichamelijke integriteit: een geschiedenis’, keynote for symposium Sirius (Utrecht Law College students) Het recht van top tot teen, 9 June 2023, Utrecht University

Willemijn Ruberg, talk at New Book Symposium on Julie Stone Peters’ Law as Performance, Queen Mary University of London, 14 March 2023.

Willemijn Ruberg, ‘Gender and the history of the right to bodily integrity’. New Voices Talk Series, Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists Paderborn, 2 March 2023

Willemijn Ruberg, ‘How to write a history of the body’, Colloquium Ethics and History of Medicine Göttingen, 23 February 2023

Willemijn Ruberg, ‘Vingerafdrukken, DNA en ontoerekeningsvatbaarheid: een cultuurgeschiedenis van forensische experts in de rechtbank in de 20e eeuw’, OBP lunchlezing, Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen, Universiteit Utrecht, 16 February 2023

Willemijn Ruberg, ‘Modern forensic cultures in Europe: Researching culture, ideology, and medico-legal expertise in practice’, invited talk for the Sarton Centre for History of Science, Ghent University, 15 December 2022

Willemijn Ruberg, ‘The right to bodily integrity: a praxiographical and ontological approach’, Conference Ontologien des Körpers. Neuvermessungen der Körpergeschichte der Neuzeit, Bern, 26 November 2022

Willemijn Ruberg, interview on the history of hair and forensic science, to be shown at the exhibition Hair Power!, Wereldmuseum Rotterdam, from 9 July 2022

Willemijn Ruberg, paper on forensic culture for workshop ‘Forensic Voices: Cultures of Sonic Identification’, Maastricht University, 17 June 2022

Willemijn Ruberg, ‘Bodily integrity and forensic science/medicine in the 20th century’, Research Meeting Department of Sociology, FSS MUNI (Masaryk University), Brno, 20 April 2022

Willemijn Ruberg, ‘The History of (the Right to) Bodily Integrity’, UHSK Symposium Diving into Diversity. A Take on Women’s History, 28 February 2022

Lara Bergers. Het Geheim van Colonel Parker: Nieuwe Feiten, AVRO TROS Podcast, 9 December 2021

Pauline Dirven, ‘Examinations of Violence: Embodied Expertise and Harmful Rape Examinations, 1920-2000 Britain’, speaker at the British Crime Historians Symposium (online), 2 September 2021

Lara Bergers, ‘Doctors, Police Officers and Rape Myths. Investigative and trial practices in Dutch sex crimes cases, 1930-1960’, speaker at the ERC-project conference ‘Forensic Cultures’, online, 27 August 2021

Pauline Dirven, ‘Enclothed Impartiality: The Embodied Performance of Forensic Objectivity and the Mr Everyman Look, England 1920-1950’, speaker at the ERC-project conference ‘Forensic Cultures’, online, 27 August 2021

Volha Parfenchyk, ‘How Law Reads Emotions: Translating the Motive of Jaleousy into Russian Legal Discourse’, speaker at the ERC-project conference ‘Forensic Cultures’, online, 26 August 2021

Sara Serrano Martínez, ‘The Umbilical Cord Problem and Experts’ and Judges’ Attitudes Towards Infanticide in the Spanish Forensic Culture (c. 1923-1959)’, speaker at the ERC-project conference ‘Forensic Cultures’, online, 26 August 2021

Willemijn Ruberg, ‘Forensic bodies: bodily (in)violability in modern criminal investigation’, Keynote conference Bodies Matter, LUCAS Leiden University, 16 April 2021

Sara Serrano Martínez. ‘Expertise about mother’s competence and knowledge in cases of infanticide (Spain, c. 1939-1959)’, ESSHC, 26 March 2021

Willemijn Ruberg, ‘Authority and Expertise: Tension Between Psychiatrists’ and Lay Knowledge in Dutch Cases of Infanticide, 1930-1960’, ESSHC, 26 March 2021

Willemijn Ruberg. OVT Radio, discussion of Mithu Sanyal’s book Rape: From Lucretia to #MeToo, 17 January 2021

Lara Bergers. ‘Smelling a Rat. The Use of the Senses in 20th Century Dutch Criminal Investigations and Trials’, speaker at the conference of the European Society for the History of Science, online, 2 September 2020

Volha Parfenchyk.’Illiberal science and STS: new directions in the studies of science in state dictatorships. The case of forensic science in Soviet Russia‘, speaker at the annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology and the Society for Social Studies of Science, Prague/online, 18-21 August 2020

Willemijn Ruberg. ‘Psychoanalysis and the practice of forensic psychiatry in the Netherlands, 1927-1960′, speaker at the Conference Practicing Evidence- Evidencing Practice, Munich (DE), 21 February 2020

Lara Bergers and Pauline Dirven. ‘Performing Forensics: A comparative study of the entanglement of forensic examination practices and expert performances in England and the Netherlands 1900-1950‘, speakers at the Conference Workshop Practicing Evidence- Evidencing Practice, Munich (DE), 19 February 2020

Pauline Dirven. ‘The performance of expertise and practices of forensic evidence’, speaker at the Cultural History PhD Seminar of Utrecht University, Utrecht (NL), 11 February 2020

Willemijn Ruberg. ‘Hysteria revisited: diagnosing hysteria in Dutch forensic psychiatry (1900-1930)’, speaker at the Sense and Nonsense Conference of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health, Birmingham (UK), 28 August 2019

Sara Serrano Martínez. ‘Lluny del pare…i la falç…i aquella mola: Aborto, infanticidio y su persecución en la Girona de posguerra [Far from Father…and the sickle…and that mass: Abortion, infanticide and their prosecution in Post-War Girona]’, speaker at the VII Encuentro Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras en Historia Contemporánea [International Meeting of Young Researchers in Contemporary History], Granada (ES), 6 September 2019

Willemijn Ruberg. ‘Innocence in Cases of Infanticide: Dutch Forensic Medicine and Psychiatry, 1925-1950′, speaker at the History of Science Society Conference, Utrecht (NL), 24 July 2019 

Lara Bergers. ‘Technologies of Innocence and Guilt: The Introduction of New Forensic Technologies in Dutch Courtrooms’, speaker at the History of Science Society Conference, Utrecht (NL), 24 July 2019 

Pauline Dirven. ‘Forensic DramaThe Script for Court Performances in the Ruxton Case (1936)’, speaker at the International Conference Captivating Criminality. Metamorphoses of Crime: Facts and Fictions, Pescara (IT), 14 June 2019

Willemijn Ruberg. ‘Forensic Expertise and the Cultural History of Knowledge’, speaker at the 8th Gewina Meeting of Historians of Science in the Low Countries, Woudschoten (NL), 21 June 2019

Lara Bergers. ‘Praxiography and the Making of a Murderer’, speaker at the 8th Gewina Meeting of Historians of Science in the Low Countries, Woudschoten (NL), 21 June 2019

Sara Serrano Martínez. ‘Gendered expertise through gendered crimes: forensic practices in Spanish courtrooms, 1931-1995’, speaker at the 10th European Spring School on History of Science and Popularization, Menorca (ES), 24 May 2019

Sara Serrano Martínez. ‘La responsabilidad penal en casos de embarazo, parto y puerperio en la Medicina Legal española, ca. 1880-1930 [Criminal responsibility in cases of pregnancy, delivery and puerperium in Spanish Legal Medicine, ca. 1880-1930]’, speaker at the XXXII Symposium of the Spanish Society for the History of Psychology [Sociedad Española de Historia de la Psicología], Madrid (ES), 8 May 2019

Willemijn Ruberg. ‘A cultural history of forensic science’, invited speaker at the Cultural History Seminar at Utrecht University, Utrecht (NL), 2 May 2019

Willemijn Ruberg. ‘A cultural history of forensic science’, invited speaker at the Descartes Centre History of Science colloquium, Utrecht (NL), 19 March 2019

Lara Bergers. ‘Leugenverklikker. Eens en nooit weer’, speaker at the Historisch Café lecture series, Utrecht (NL), 19 March 2019

Willemijn Ruberg. ‘Embodiment and experience’, speaker at the HEX Conference History of Experience: Theories, Methodologies, and Concepts, Tampere (FI), 4 March 2019

Sara Serrano-Martinez. ‘The voices of the accused, victims and witnesses in trials as sources for the history of science’, speaker at the History of Science and Humanities PhD Conference, Kerkrade (NL), 14 February 2019

Sara Serrano-Martinez. ‘Suicide and the unity of neuropsychiatry in Spain (1900-1936)’, speaker at the European Society for the History of Science Conference, London (UK), 16 September 2018