FORCE – Forensic Culture in Europe, 1930-2000

Bibliographic database

One of the aims of the FORCE project, is to create a database of relevant literature pertaining to forensic cultures. Below you will find several curated lists of sources that discuss different aspects of forensic cultures.


1. General

The following lists contain a selection of the most relevant and useful sources regarding the development of forensic techniques in the countries that FORCE studies (the Netherlands, England, Spain and Russia).

  • Adam, A., Crime and the Construction of Forensic Objectivity from 1850. (London 2020)
  • Burney, I., and C. Hamlin (eds), Global Forensic Cultures. Making Fact and Justice in the Modern Era (Baltimore 2019)
  • Ruberg, W., Bergers, L., Dirven, P. and Serrano Martínez, S. (eds), Forensic Cultures in Modern Europe (Manchester University Press, 2023)
  • Watson, K.D., Forensic Medicine in Western Society: A History (London/New York 2010).

1a. The Netherlands

  • Bal, R., ‘How to Kill with a Ballpoint: Credibility in Dutch Forensic Science.’ Science, Technology & Human Values 30:1 (2005) 52-75.
  • Barneveld, P.D., ‘TBR of TBS – Enkele ontwikkelingen na 1945’, in: F. Koenraadt (ed.), Ziek of schuldig? Twee eeuwen forensische psychiatrie en psychologie (Arnhem 1991) 5-19.
  • De Ridder, D.T.D. , ‘Voorlichting van de psychiater aan de strafrechter rond de eeuwwisseling: diagnose of vonnis?’ in: F. Koenraadt (ed.), Ziek of schuldig? Twee eeuwen forensische psychiatrie en psychologie (Arnhem 1991) 35-48.
  • Donker, G. and S. Faber, ‘De ziekelijke zenuwoverspanning van Jannetje J. Een rapport van F.S. Meijers in een Amsterdamse kindermoordzaak uit 1912’ in: F. Koenraadt (ed.), Ziek of schuldig? Twee eeuwen forensische psychiatrie en psychologie (Arnhem 1991) 67-83.
  • Froentjes, W., Hoofdstukken uit de criminalistiek (Arnhem 1985).
  • Jong, L. and A. M’Charek, ‘The high-profile case as ‘fire object’: Following the Marianne Vaatstra murder case through the media’ Crime Media Culture, 14:3 (2017) 1-17.
  • Kerkhoff, A.H.M, ‘Over de verhouding tussen gerechtelijke geneeskunde en openbare gezondheidszorg: een historisch overzicht’ in: B.A.J. Cohen et al. (eds), Forensische geneeskunde. Raakvlakken tussen geneeskunst, gezondheidszorg en recht (Assen 2004).
  • Mooij, A.W.M., ‘De forensische psychiatrie in haar geschiedenis’ in: F. Koenraadt (ed.), Ziek of schuldig? Twee eeuwen forensische psychiatrie en psychologie (Arnhem 1991) 5-19.
  • Oosterhuis. H and M. Gijswijt-Hofstra, Verward van geest en ander ongerief. Psychiatrie en geestelijke gezondheidszorg in Nederland (1870-2005) (Houten 2008).
  • Oosterhuis, H., ‘Treatment as punishment: Forensic psychiatry in the Netherlands (1870-2005)’ International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 37:1 (2014) 37-49.
  • Ruberg, W. and N. Dijkstra, ‘De forensische wetenschap in Nederland (1800-1930): een terreinverkenning’ Studium 9:3 (2016) 121-143.
  • Ruberg, W., ‘Onzekere kennis. De rol van forensische geneeskunde en psychiatrie in Nederlandse verkrachtingszaken (1811-1920).’ Tijdschrift voor Sociale en Economische Geschiedenis 9:1 (2012) 87-110.
  • Ruberg, W., ‘Travelling Knowledge and Forensic Medicine: Infanticide, Body and Mind in the Netherlands, 1811-1911,’ Medical History 57, 3 (2013) 359-376.
  • Ruberg, W., ‘Trauma, Body, and Mind: Forensic Medicine in Nineteenth-Century Dutch Rape Cases’, Journal of the History of Sexuality 22, 1 (2013) 85-104.
  • Tijsseling, A.C., ‘Schuldige seks. Homoseksuele zedendelicten rondom de Duitse bezettingstijd’, (PhD dissertation; Utrecht University 2009).
  • Tijsseling, A. C., ‘Innocent Boys and Unruly Women: Professional “Oversights” in Sex Crimes’ in: Z. Davy et al. (eds) Bound and Unbound: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Genders and Sexualities (Newcastle 2008) 25-39.
  • Toom, V.H., ‘Dragers van waarheid: normatieve aspecten van twintig jaar forensisch DNA-onderzoek in Nederland’, (PhD dissertation; University of Amsterdam 2010).
  • Van Ruller S., ‘De territoriumstrijd tussen juristen en psychiaters in de negentiende eeuw’ in: F. Koenraadt (ed.), Ziek of schuldig? Twee eeuwen forensische psychiatrie en psychologie (Arnhem 1991) 22-33
  • Wilkinson, C., ‘“In een vlaag van waanzin”: psychische stoornissen, gender en de tbr in krantenberichten over delicten in 1930’, Tijdschrift voor Criminologie 57, 4 (2015) 382-395.

1b. England

  • Adam, A., A History of Forensic Science: British Beginnings in the Twentieth Century (London 2017).
  • Ballinger, A., ‘Masculinity in the Dock: Legal Responses to Male Violence and Female Retaliation in England and Wales, 1900–1965’, Social and Legal Studies 16, 4 (2007) 459–481.
  • Bingham, A., ‘Court reporting’, in: A. Bingham, Family Newspapers? Sex, Private Life, and the British Popular Press 1918-1978 (Oxford 2009).
  • Bourke, J., Rape: A History from 1860 to the Present Day (London 2007).
  • Brennan K.M., ‘‘A Fine Mixture of Pity and Justice:’ The Criminal Justice Response to Infanticide in Ireland, 1922-1949’, Law and History Review 31, 4 (2013) 793-841.
  • Burney, I. and N. Pemberton, ‘Bruised witness: Bernard Spilsbury and the Performance of Early Twentieth-Century English Forensic Pathology’, Medical History 55 (2001) 41-60.
  • Burney, I., and N. Pemberton, Murder and the Making of the English CSI (Baltimore 2016).
  • Crites, R., ‘Husbands’ Violence against Wives in England and Wales, 1914-1939: A Review of Contemporary Understandings of and Responses to Men’s Marital Violence’ (PhD dissertation; University of Warwick 2016).
  • D’Cruze, S., ‘’The damned place was haunted’: The Gothic, Middlebrow Culture and Inter-War ‘Notable Trials’’, Literature and History 15, 1 (2006) 37-58.
  • Leader, K., ‘Trials, Truth-Telling and the Performing Body’ (PhD dissertation; University of Sydney 2008).
  • Loughnan, A., and T. Ward, ‘Emergent Authority and Expert Knowledge: Psychiatry and Criminal Responsibility in the UK’, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 37 (2014) 25-36.
  • Plain, G., Twentieth Century Crime Fiction: Gender, Sexuality and the Body (London, 2001).
  • Seal, L., Women, Murder and Femininity: Gender Representations of Women Who Kill (Basingstoke 2010).
  • Temkin, J., ‘Medical Evidence in Rape Cases: A Continuing Problem for Criminal Justice’, The Modern Law Review 61, 6 (1998) 821-848.
  • Watson, K., Medicine and Justice: Medico-Legal Practice in England and Wales, 1700-1914. (Oxon/New York 2020)
  • Weston, J., Medicine, the Penal System and Sexual Crimes in England, 1919-1960s: Diagnosing Deviance (London 2018).
  • Yount, L., Forensic Science: From Fibers to Fingerprints (New York 2007).

1c. Spain

  • Martínez-Pérez, J., ‘Restableciendo la salud del Estado. Medicina y regeneración nacional en torno a un proceso judicial en la encrucijada de los siglos XIX al XX’, Dynamis 18 (1998) 127-156.
  • Cuenca Lorente, M., El veneno de María Bonamot: juicios, peritos y crimen en la España del siglo XIX (Valencia 2015)
  • Bertomeu Sánchez, J.R., ‘Ciencia y justicia en los tiempos del cólera: el misterio de los bizcochos de Torroja (1865)’, Asclepio 70, 2 (2018) 235.
  • Bertomeu Sánchez, J.R., ‘Antonio Lecha-Marzo y los orígenes de la policía científica. Investigación y ciencia’, Investigación Ciencia (2017) <>
  • Bertomeu Sánchez, J.R., ‘Huellas dactilares a través del mundo transatlántico: las vidas paralelas de Juan Vucetich y Federico Olóriz’, Dynamis 38, 1 (2018) 131-162.
  • Bertomeu Sánchez, J.R., ‘Fingerprints and the Politics of Scientific Policing in Early Twentieth-Century Spain’, in: I. Burney and C. Hamlin (eds), Global Forensic Cultures. Making Fact and Justice in the Modern Era (Baltimore 2019).
  • Campos, R., ‘La construcción psiquiátrica del sujeto peligroso y la Ley de Vagos y Maleantes en la España franquista (1939-1970)’, Culturas Psy 7 (2016) 9-44.
  • Campos, R., ‘Criminalidad y locura en la Restauración. El proceso del cura Galeote (1886-1888). Frenia. Revista de Historia de La Psiquiatría 3 (2003) 111-145.
  • Campos, R. and R. Huertas, ‘’Délire eugénique’ et meurtre. Le cas d’Aurora Rodríguez et sa représentation dans le film Mi hija Hildegart’. Criminocorpus 2 (2007) <>
  • Campos, R., El Caso Morillo: Crimen, locura y subjetividad en la España de la Restauración, (Madrid 2010).
  • Campos, R., ‘Leer el crimen. Violencia, escritura y subjetividad en el proceso Morillo (1882-1884)’, Frenia. Revista de Historia de La Psiquiatría 10, 1 (2010) 95-122.
  • Huertas, R., ‘Psiquiatría forense. El caso de Lafora, G.R. en la psiquiatría del nuevo Código Penal español de 1928’, in: R. Huertas, A. Romero and R. Álvarez, Perspectivas psiquiátricas: Nuevas Tendencias (Madrid 1987)
  • Huertas, R., (2004). ‘Entre la ciencia forense y la legitimación social: en torno al caso Garayo’, in: J.M. Álvarez Martínez, R. Esteban Arnáis (eds), Crimen y locura. IV Jornadas de la Sección de Historia (Madrid 2004).
  • Meer, C. and A. Lecha-Marzo, (1888-1919): contribución al estudio de la historia de la medicina legal contemporánea. (PhD dissertation; University of Valladolid 1985).
  • Lévy, S., ‘Prevenir, rehabilitar y sancionar. La incorporación de las ideas psicoanalíticas a la psiquiatría forense (1930-1950)’, in: R. Campos and Á. de Pablo (eds), Psiquiatría e higiene mental en el primer franquismo (Madrid 2016).
  • Peset, J.L., Ciencia y marginación. Sobre negros, locos y criminales. (Barcelona 1993).
  • Wright, Stephanie, ‘“Caballeros mutilados” y mujeres “deshonradas”: cuerpo, género y privilegio en la posguerra española’, Historia y Política 47 (2022) 163-192.
  • Wright, Stephanie, ‘”Facts that are declared proven”: sexual violence,
    forensic medicine, and the courtroom in early Francoist Spain’, Women’s History Review (advanced access 2023), DOI:10.1080/09612025.2023.2197791

1d. Russia

  • Antonian, I.M., Seriinyie seksyalnyie prestuplenia (Moscow 2002)
  • Barry, D.D., G. Ginsburgs and P.B. Maggs, (eds), Soviet Law After Stalin, I: The Citizen and the State in Contemporary Soviet Law (Leiden 1977).
  • Buneev, A.N. and T.M. Feinberg, Sudebnaia psikhiatriia (Moscow 1947).
  • Engelstein, L., ‘Combined underdevelopment: Discipline and the law in imperial and Soviet Russia’, American Historical Review 98, 2 (1993) 338–353.
  • Feinberg, T.M., Sudebno-psikhiatricheskaia ekspertiza i opyt raboty institutasudebnoi psikhiatriia im. prof. Serbskogo za XXV let. (Moscow 1947)
  • Graham, L.R., Science, philosophy, and human behavior in the Soviet Union (New York 1987)
  • Graham, L.R., Science in Russia and the Soviet Union: a short history (Cambridge 1993)
  • Buckley, M., Post-Soviet women : from the Baltic to Central Asia (Cambridge 1997)
  • Feldbrugge, F.J.M. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Soviet law (Leiden 1985)
  • Healey, D., Bolshevik sexual forensics: Diagnosing disorder in the clinic and courtroom, 1917–1939 (DeKalb 2009)
  • Healey, D., ‘Russian and Soviet forensic psychiatry: Troubled and troubling’, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 37, 2 (2014) 71–81.
  • Ivanov, L.O. and L.V. Iljina, Puti I sudby otechestvennoi kriminologii (1991).
  • Kozhevnikov, A.B., Stalin’s great science: the times and adventures of Soviet physicists (London 2004).
  • Kowalsky, S.A., Deviant women: Female crime and criminology in revolutionary Russia, 1880–1930. (DeKalb 2009).
  • Krementsov, N.L. Stalinist science (Princeton 1997)
  • Krasnushkin, E.K., ‘Chto takoe prestupnik? Prestupnik i prestupnost’. Sbornik 1 (1926) 6 – 33.
  • Oberländer, Alexandra. ‘A girls’ army of vengeance?: Perceptions of sexual violence against children in post-1905 Russia’, Gender & History (2023): 117.
  • Solomon Jr., P.H., Soviet criminal justice under Stalin (Cambridge 1996)
  • Sorokina, M., ‘Between power and experts. Soviet doctors examine Katyn’ in: F.L. Bernstein, C. Burton and D. Healey (eds) Soviet medicine: culture, practice, and science (DeKalb 2010)
  • Van Voren, R., Cold War in psychiatry: Human factors, secret actors (Amsterdam 2010)
  • Zajicek, B., ‘Scientific psychiatry in Stalin’s Soviet Union: The politics of modern medicine and the struggle to define ‘Pavlovian’ psychiatry, 1939–1953’ (PhD dissertation; University of Chicago 2009)

2. Atlas Bibliography

The following lists contain a selection of sources that were used to support the Atlas of Forensic Cultures on this website (the Netherlands, England, Spain and Russia).

2a. The Netherlands

  • De Graaf, A. and I. Keij, “Werkende Moeders,” Index, 1 (2001)
  • De Poot, C. “Professionalisering van het politievak volgens W.H. Schreuder,” Tijdschrift voor de Politie, 75, no. 8 (2013): 27-29.
  • De Ruiter, L.E.R. “‘[Her sister] is not much more than a prostitute. Who dares to believe the complainant?’ Rape cases, experts and witnesses of respectability (1920-1933),” (master’s thesis, Utrecht University, 2015).
  • De Wilde, P.A. “Veertigjarig artsjubileum J.P.L. Hulst te Leiden,” Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 82 (1938): 5350-5351.
  • Froentjes, Hoofdstukken uit de criminalistiek (Arnhem 1985).
  • Heinrich, J. “Particuliere reclassering en overheid in Nederland sinds 1823,” (PhD thesis, Groningen University, 1996)
  • Outshoorn, J. “Half werk. Vrouwenbeweging, emancipatie en politiek, 1950-1990,” in Leidschrift : Nederlanders En Hun Gezagsdragers. Politieke Cultuur In Nederland 1950-1990, 17 (September 2002) 35-52.
  • “Hesselink, Dr. Willem Frederik,” Persoonlijkheden in het Koninkrijk der Nederland in woord en beeld. Nederlanders en hun werk (Amsterdam 1938)
  • Kerkhof, A.H.M. “Over de verhouding tussen gerechtelijke geneeskunde en openbare gezondheidszorg: een historisch overzicht,” in ed. B.A.J. Cohen, H. Holtslag, R.Ph. Smitshuijzen, A.G. Tenhaef and L.P. de Waal (eds) Forensische geneeskunde. Raakvlakken tussen geneeskunst, gezondheidszorg en recht, (Assen 2004), 7-31.
  • Oosterhuis, “Treatment as punishment: Forensic psychiatry in The Netherlands (1870-2005),” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 37 (2014): 37-49.
  • Nieuwbeerta, P. and I. Deerenberg, “Trends in moord en doodslag 1911-2002. Een eerste analyse van het Historisch Bestand Slachtoffers Moor den Doodslag,” Bevolkingstrends, 1 (2005), 56-63.
  • Ruberg, W. and N. Dijkstra, “De forensische wetenschap in Nederland (1800-1930): een terreinverkenning,” Studium 9, no. 3 (2016): 124-125.
  • Ruberg, W. “Expertise in gerechtsdossiers. De praktijk van de forensische psychiatrie in Nederland, 1811-1930,” Moderne Tijd 3, no. 1, (2019): 28-50.
  • Snelders, H.A.M. “Ledden Hulsebosch, Christiaan Jacobus van (1877-1952),” in Biographisch Woordenboek van Nederland 2 (Den Haag, 1895; online ed., last modified November 12, 2013)
  • Toom, V.H. . “Dragers van waarheid: normatieve aspecten van twintig jaar forensisch DNA onderzoek in Nederland,” (PhD Dissertation; Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2010).
  • Van der Meij, P.P.A., “De driehoeksverhouding in het strafrechtelijk vooronderzoek. Een onverminderde zoektocht naar evenwicht in de rolverdeling tussen de rechter-commissaris, de officier van justitie en de verdediging,” (PhD Dissertation; Leiden University, 2010).
  • Van der Pot, P. and H. van Boxtel, Kapitein van Waegeningh. Fotograaf (Breda 2010): 39
  • Van Ledden Hulsebosch, C.J. Veertig jaren speurderswerk (Utrecht 1945).
  • Van Lieshout, M. “1905 Kinderwetten. Basis voor de kinderbescherming en het jeugdstrafrecht,” Canon zorg voor de jeugd, last modified June 12, 2020,
  • Wilkinson, C. “Drama in the dailies. Violence and Gender in Dutch Newspapers, 1880 to 1930,” (PhD Dissertation; Leiden University, 2020).


2b. England

  • Adam, A. A History of Forensic Science: British Beginnings in the Twentieth Century (Abingdon 2015).
  • Bates, V. Sexual Forensics in Victorian and Edwardian England: Age, Crime and Consent in the Courts (Bashingstoke 2016)
  • Bingham, A. Family Newspapers?: Sex, Private Life, and the British Popular Press 1918-1978 (Oxford, New York 2009).
  • Bingham, A. ‘Ignoring the First Draft of History?’, Media History 18, 3–4 (2012): 311-326.
  • Bingham, A. ‘“It Would Be Better for the Newspapers to Call a Spade a Spade”: The British Press and Child Sexual Abuse, c. 1918–90’, History Workshop Journal 88 (2019): 89-110
  • Bourke, J. Rape: A History From 1860 To The Present (London 2007)
  • Brooke, S. ‘Class and Gender’, in J. Strange and F. Carnevali (eds), Twentieth-Century Britain: Economic, Cultural and Social Change, (Harlow 2007).
  • Burney, I. and Pemberton, N. ‘Bruised Witness: Bernard Spilsbury and the Performance of Early Twentieth-Century English Forensic Pathology’, Medical History 55, no. 1 (January 2011): 41–60
  • Burney, I. and N. Pemberton, Murder and the Making of English CSI (Baltimore 2016).
  • Burridge, H.A. An Introduction to Forensic Medicine for Medical Students and Practitioners (London 1924).
  • Crozier, I. and G. Rees, ‘Making a Space for Medical Expertise: Medical Knowledge of Sexual Assault and the Construction of Boundaries between Forensic Medicine and the Law in Late Nineteenth-Century England’, Law, Culture and the Humanities 8, (1 June 2012): 285–304.
  • Dirven, P., ‘Vertrouwen in Vingerafdrukken, Schedelfoto’s En Bloedvlekken’, Wonderkamer, May 2021.
  • Dixon Mann, J. Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (London 1922).
  • Gallop, A. When the Dogs Don’t Bark: A Forensic Scientist’s Search for the Truth (London: 2019).
  • Glaister, J. Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology (Edinburgh 1942).
  • Glanvill, M.E ‘The Judicial System in England and Wales, and Northern Ireland’, in The New Police Surgeon: A Practical Guide to Clinical Forensic Medicine, ed. S.H. Burges and J.E. Hilton (London 1978) 487–96.
  • Golan, T. ‘”Where There’s Muck There’s Brass”: The Rise of the Modern Expert Witness’, Laws of Men and Laws of Nature: The History of Scientific Expert Testimony in England and America (Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, 2004).
  • Grey, D.J.R. ‘“Agonised Weeping”: Representing Femininity, Emotion and Infanticide in Edwardian Newspapers’, Media History 21, 4 (2015): 468-480.
  • Hallsworth, S. and J. Lea, ‘Reconstructing Leviathan: Emerging Contours of the Security State’, Theoretical Criminology 2, 15 (2011): 141-157.
  • Jackson, L.A. ‘Care or Control? The Metropolitan Women Police and Child Welfare, 1919-1969′, The Historical Journal 46, no. 3 (September 2003): 623–48.
  • Jenkins, B. ‘Gender, Embodiment and Professional Identity in Britain, C.1890-1930’, Cultural and Social History 0, 0 (18 May 2020): 499-514.
  • Kerr, D.J.A., Forensic Medicine: A Textbook for Students and a Guide for the Practitioner (London 1935).
  • Knight, B. Simpson’s Forensic Medicine (London, n.d.).
  • Lawrence, J. ‘The British Sense of Class’, Journal of Contemporary History 35, 2 (2000): 307-318.
  • Leach, L.J. ‘The Policewoman and the Police Surgeon’, The Police Surgeon, March 1972, 51–58.
  • Lefebure, M. Evidence for the Crown: Experiences of a Pathologist’s Secretary (London, Melbourne, Toronto, 1955).
  • McCloskey, D. ‘Paid Work’, in Women in Twentieth Century Britain (Oxford, New York, 2014), 164–179.
  • Picton, B. Murder, Suicide or Accident (London 1971).
  • Shapin, S. ‘The Philosopher and the Chicken: On the Dietetics of Disembodied Knowlegde’, in Never Pure: Historical Studies of Science as If It Was Produced, by People with Bodies, Situated in Time, Space, Culture, and Society, and Struggling for Credibility and Authority (Baltimore, 2010).
  • Smith, S. Forensic Medicine: A Textbook for Students and Practitioners (London 1925).
  • Temkin, J. ‘Medical Evidence in Rape Cases: A Continuing Problem for Criminal Justice’, The Modern Law Review 61, 6 (1998): 821–48.
  • Temkin, J, J. M. Gray, and J. Barrett, ‘Different Functions of Rape Myth Use in Court: Findings From a Trial Observation Study’, Feminist Criminology 13, 2 (2018): 205–26
  • Todd, S. ‘Class, Experience and Britain’s Twentieth Century’, Social History 39, 4 (2014): 489-508.
  • Ward, J. ‘Origins and Development of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Science in England, 1823-1946’ (The Open University, 1993).
  • Watson, A. Speaking in Court: Developments in Court Advocacy from the Seventeenth to the Twenty-First Century (New York, NY 2019).
  • Wiener, M.J. Reconstructing the Criminal: Culture, Law, and Policy in England, 1830-1914 (Cambridge, New York, 1990).
  • Wilkinson, C. “Drama in the dailies. Violence and Gender in Dutch Newspapers, 1880 to 1930,” (PhD Dissertation; Leiden University, 2020.

2c. Spain

  • Aresti, N. ‘El crimen de Trubia. Género, discursos y ciudadanía republicana’. Ayer, 6, 44 (2006) 261-285.
  • Blanco Rodríguez, E. ‘Rojo de vergüenza y condenado por cobarde: masculinidad, honor y duelos en la España decimonónica’. Ayer 120 (2020), 171-193.
  • Campos Marín, R. “La construcción psiquiátrica del sujeto peligroso y la Ley de Vagos y Maleantes en la España franquista (1939-1970)”. Culturas Psi 7 (2016) 9-44.
  • Campos Marín, R. “La construcción psiquiátrica del sujeto peligroso y la Ley de Vagos y Maleantes en la España franquista (1939-1970)”. Culturas Psi 7 (2016) 9-44.
  • Castellano Arroyo, M. ‘La Medicina Legal en su momento más decisivo. Exigencias formativas de los especialistas en Medicina Legal y Forense, y de los Médicos Forenses’, Cuadernos de Medicina Forense 20, 1 (2014) 5-8.
  • De Dios Fernández, E. ‘Sirvienta, empleada, trabajadora del hogar. Género, clase e identidad a través del servicio doméstico en el Gran Bilbao (1939-1985)’ (Bilbao, 2016).
  • Gimeno Sendra, V. Manual de Derecho Procesal Penal (Madrid 2018).
  • Gil, A. et al., Curso de Derecho Penal. Parte General (Madrid 2015).
  • Gil, A, and J. Núñez Fernández, ‘A propósito de “La Manada”: Análisis de la sentencia y valoración crítica de la propuesta de reforma de los delitos sexuales’, El Cronista del Estado Social y Democrático de Derecho 77 (2018), 4-17.
  • González-Santander Martínez, M. ‘Blas Aznar González: Una figura eminente de la medicina legal Española contemporánea’, (Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid 1993).
  • Kazyrytski, L. ‘Francoist repression in Spain and the crime of genocide’. Criminology & Criminal Justice, 22, 5 (2021) 676–693.
  • Lanero Táboas, M. Una milicia de la justicia. Política judicial del franquismo (1936-1945) (Madrid 1996).
  • Lara, J. and M. Urbán, ‘Sin justicia no hay democracia’, Contexto y Acción, 23/11/2021: <>
  • Minder, R. ‘Overlooked No More: Ana Orantes, Whose Gruesome Murder Brought Change to Spain’, New York Times, 15/01/2020 <>
  • Ministerio de Educación Cultura y Deporte, Dirección General de Bellas Artes y de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales (ed.). Justicia en guerra : Jornadas sobre la administración de justicia durante la Guerra Civil Española : instituciones y fuentes documentales : organizadas por el Archivo Histórico Nacional, sección “Guerra Civil” : Salamanca, del 26 al 28 de nov. 1987. (1990).
  • Pérez Trujillano, R. “Gitanos, moros y negros ante los tribunales: colonialismo y racismo institucional durante la Segunda República española (1931-1936)”. Historia constitucional: Revista Electrónica de Historia Constitucional, 21 (2020), 420-472.
  • Rodríguez, E. ‘Lo que la amnistía dejó y deja de lado’, Contexto y Acción, 29/11/2021: <>
  • Román Ruiz, G. ‘“Custodios de la moral”. Control socio-moral y sanción popular en el mundo rural altoandaluz tras la posguerra’, Pasado y Memoria. Revista de Historia Contemporánea 21 (2020), 131-154.
  • Serrano Martínez, S ‘Concepciones médicas y psicológicas del suicidio en España (1926-1936)’. Actes d’Història de la Ciència i de la Tècnica, 12-13 (2019), 189-205.
  • Torres del Moral, A. Estado de derecho y democracia de partidos. Una teoría del Estado constitucional contemporáneo (Madrid 2015).
  • Torres Aguilar, M. El parricidio: Del pasado al presente de un delito (Madrid 1991).


2d. Russia 

  • Conquest, R. The Great Terror (Harmondsworth 1971)
  • Fitzpatrick, S. ‘Revisionism in Soviet History’, History and Theory, 46, 4 (2007) 77-91.
  • Fitzpatrick, S. ‘Stalin and the Making of a New Elite, 1928-1939’. Slavic Review, 38, 3 (1979) 377-402.
  • Halfin, I., From Darkness to Light: Class Consciousness and Salvation in Revolutionary Russia (Pittsburgh 2000).
  • Kotkin, S., Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as a Civilization (Berkeley, CA 1995).
  • Kowalsky, S.A., ‘Who’s Responsible for Female Crime? Gender, Deviance, and the Development of Soviet Social Norms in Revolutionary Russia’ Russian Review, 62, 3 (2003) 336-386.
  • Lewin, M. The Making of the Soviet System: Essays in the Social History of Interwar Russia (New York 1985).
  • Lunts, D. ‘Otsenka sudom psuhicheskih anomalii obviniaemogo, ne iskluchaiuschih vmeniamosti’, Pravovedenie, 2 (1968) 86-94.
  • Pipes, R., Vixi: Memoirs of a Non-Belonger (New Haven 2003)
  • Vnukov, V. and T. Feinberg, ed. Sudebnaia psikhiatria (Moscow 1936)